EMPOWER at-risk youth to dream beyond their circumstances and excel despite their disadvantages

Bridging the Gap


Ryan Long
Ryan was a member of the Deliver Hope Board of Directors from 2021-2023, and is currently the Associate Pastor at the Church Alive, where his family has served for the past forty years. He brings with him a wealth of ministry leadership experience and has a deep-rooted passion for making a positive impact on the lives of young people in Central Arkansas.
As the executive director, Ryan is responsible for overseeing the organization's day-to-day operations, expanding outreach initiatives, and furthering collaborations with key partners. His vision for Deliver Hope comes with a strong drive to see a beautiful impact in the lives of at risk teens.
He enjoys spending time with his wife Whitney and son Harrison. When the weather permits, he is out on the golf court sharpening his golf skills!

Kayla Plante
Kayla first started at Deliver Hope in 2016 as the office admin, otherwise known as the "office-catch-all". Initially, she did not have working with teenagers on her mind, but
as she slowly started volunteering additional time in programming she fell in love with serving hurting young people. Like most staff at Deliver Hope, she is involved in whatever needs to happen whether that's case management, forming program curriculum, or training interns.
In her spare time she is an outdoor enthusiast (minus the mosquitos), tries to cook
new vegetarian recipes (the ones she doesn't accidentally burn), is an avid reader, and keeps all of Conway's local coffeeshops in business with frequent visits. She has been married to Hunter Plante since 2018, they have a daughter named Mikaylah, and 3 dogs + two cats!
"There's no greater satisfaction to me than seeing a young person start to believe, sometimes for the 1st time, the mantra we recite every week...that they matter, that
they have a purpose, and that they are not alone. Every day, at Deliver Hope we get
to instill that type of HOPE. I can't imagine loving a job more."

Laura Carter
Laura joined Deliver Hope as a volunteer in 2015. She started out meeting with the girls in jail and soon fell in love with the heart of Deliver Hope and the students it serves.
Laura graduated from UCA in 2017 (Go Bears) and joined Deliver Hope full-time. For many years, if you would have asked Laura her job title she would have just told you,
“I handle all things girls.” That role has changed over the years, but she still enjoys learning beside teenage mothers, and losing basketball games each week during group mentoring.
If you know Laura at all, you have probably seen her shed a tear (or 10). She feels ALL feelings strong and is passionate about her job. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her sweet husband Aaron and trying to keep up with their three kids.
“The students we serve are worth every minute we get to spend with them. They are resilient, tender-hearted, and witty. Although they can sometimes make poor choices,
I believe that they deserve the opportunity to put their guards down and be a kid.”

Jordan Saxion
Jordan is a Conway native and graduated from UCA in 2018 with an Art Education degree. After teaching high school art for two years, she decided to stop teaching and obtained her Masters degree in Visual Art at UALR. During this period of being a student again, Jordan felt that "there was something missing" so she started mentoring at Deliver Hope in 2022. She discovered that serving youth in this way was her purpose and was hired on staff in 2023!
You can find Jordan at the Juvenile Detention Center every Wednesday doing Chapel with the kids, where she enjoys planning fun and interactive ways to teach youth about The Gospel. Her goal is to make them feel seen and provide encouragement to maintain endurance through life's hardships.
She loves spending time with her husband Zach and cat Lillie, as well as, reading and working in her yard!

Raven Garrison
Raven Garrison
Justin Martin
Raven is a student pursuing her degree in psychology at the University of Central Arkansas. She has a deep passion for both her faith and community. Believing that God has a unique purpose for the city of Conway, specifically the youth in Faulkner County. She is excited to witness the growth and transformation that lies ahead and hopes to be a positive impact in that. She has been blown away by seeing Gods provision while at Deliver Hope.
"I chose to work at Deliver Hope because I wanted to surrender to what God was leading me to do - which was to love people. I have been stunned by the sweet hearts of the Deliver Hope family!"
Justin Martin is a native to Conway and pursuing his bachelor's degree in Ministry & Leadership at Central Baptist College. Justin was a Conway Firefighter for 10 years and a member of the Special Operations Rescue Team. He continues to hold his National and State EMT license. Justin's passion for serving others excelled at Renewal Ranch, where he worked for two years and continues his involvement there. Justin serves on the praise team and the security team at Woodland Heights Baptist Church. Justin's heart shows as he mentors the kids at Deliver Hope and shows the love of Christ.
When Justin isn't serving, he enjoys golfing, hunting, and fishing. He also loves to spend time with his beautiful wife Candace and their three boys Hayden, Deagan, and Austin Paul. Justin also has three pets at home. Two dogs and one sweet cat.
Raven is a student pursuing her degree in psychology at the University of Central Arkansas. She has a deep passion for both her faith and community. Believing that God has a unique purpose for the city of Conway, specifically the youth in Faulkner County. She is excited to witness the growth and transformation that lies ahead and hopes to be a positive impact in that. She has been blown away by seeing Gods provision while at Deliver Hope.
"I chose to work at Deliver Hope because I wanted to surrender to what God was leading me to do - which was to love people. I have been stunned by the sweet hearts of the Deliver Hope family!"